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Climate Ambassadors

Funded by the DfE, Climate Ambassadors match volunteer climate experts with education settings.

Let’s Go Zero Climate Action Advisors

Part of Let’s Go Zero, Climate Action Advisors are independent experts who offer free support for schools, colleges, and nurseries across England.

Identify and start to prepare for climate risks

Make sure your staff are supported to take action on climate, and have clear roles set out to progress climate adaptation. This will help you complete a Climate Risk Assessment.

Arrange climate event risk training for relevant staff members

As part of your wider climate risk assessment process and adaptation planning, it’s important to arrange climate event risk training for relevant staff members. This will ensure they are prepared to respond effectively to climate-related risks.

Repeat action
Appoint a climate adaptation lead

Identify a member of staff who will be responsible for coordinating your climate adaptation efforts. This person will oversee the completion of your climate risk assessment.

Low costOne off action
Engage with local agencies to support your climate risk assessment

Reach out to organisations in your area that can help you understand and manage climate risks.

Low costLong term action
Arrange a session on climate risk and adaptation for relevant staff

Arranging a briefing session on climate risk and adaptation for relevant staff is important to raise awareness, build buy-in and preparedness for climate related events

One off action
Complete a climate risk assessment

A climate risk assessment is a process to identify, evaluate, and manage the potential impacts of climate change on your setting's site, operations, and community.

MilestoneLow costRepeat action