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For Key Stage 1 and 2 settings

Seek buy-in from leadership, governors and trustees

Get commitment to make progress on sustainability from key decision-makers within your governance structure. With their buy-in, you will be able to implement sustainability projects more effectively.

Low costLong term action

Start to build a whole-setting awareness of sustainability

Create a culture where everyone is increasingly informed about, and engaged with, topics of climate change and sustainability.

Low costLong term action

Create a sustainability working group

Assemble a team of your staff members and stakeholders to collaborate on sustainability projects. This team will discuss, plan and implement sustainable practices.

Low costOne off action

Understand any compliance requirements

"Compliance requirements" refers to any local and national guidelines on waste management, energy use, or health and safety standards that may impact your setting. This also includes any requirements to report on sustainability.

Low costRepeat action

Consult your community on creating sustainability aspirations

Gather input from your setting's staff, learners and stakeholders to develop your sustainability goals and objectives.

Low costOne off action