Funded by the DfE, Climate Ambassadors match volunteer climate experts with education settings.
Part of Let’s Go Zero, Climate Action Advisors are independent experts who offer free support for schools, colleges, and nurseries across England.
Topic: Procurement
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This actions involves asking your significant suppliers and partners to provide information about their organisation and the products and services they provide, that will help you to more accurately calculate your carbon footprint.
At this point, you will have done extensive work to build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with your most significant suppliers. Now, broaden the scope of your collaboration to include all suppliers.
Work with your significant suppliers to improve their data quality, using the plan you have developed.
Set clear environmental and ethical standards that your suppliers must meet. These targets will guide suppliers to reduce their environmental impact.
Supplier selection criteria are requirements you set that new suppliers must meet in order to be selected. Creating these criteria ensures that any new supplier you engage is aligned with your sustainability goals.