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Climate Ambassadors

Funded by the DfE, Climate Ambassadors match volunteer climate experts with education settings.

Let’s Go Zero Climate Action Advisors

Part of Let’s Go Zero, Climate Action Advisors are independent experts who offer free support for schools, colleges, and nurseries across England.

Results for

Topic: Wellbeing

19 results
Arrange climate anxiety training for relevant staff

The sustainability agenda can feel overwhelming. Arranging climate anxiety training for relevant staff may help them understand and manage feelings of anxiety or distress related to climate change, and identify those aspects of climate change which they can impact.

Repeat action
Establish a regular travel survey

Periodically collect information on how your staff, children and young people, visitors and suppliers travel to and from your setting.

MilestoneLow costRepeat action
Establish a regular climate anxiety survey

Routinely ask your community about their feelings and worries regarding climate change. This will help you develop strategies to support them.

Low costRepeat action
Arrange climate anxiety training for all staff

It’s important to provide climate anxiety training to staff to address the growing mental health effects associated with climate change amongst learners. Training helps staff recognise and support learners experiencing climate-related stress, promoting emotional resilience.

Repeat action
Arrange a session on climate anxiety

Where appropriate, organise sessions to address climate anxiety and support those affected to develop agency to tackle it.

Low costOne off action